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Dutch-Russian Encounters in architecture and town planning

20 nov 2020, 09:00 CET
Online Event

Новые перспективы исследований


New Perspectives


The first Tsar of Russia, Ivan the Terrible started the Russian-Dutch Encounters in architecture with his invitation of Dutch masons to Moscow. Thus, from the sixteenth century the two countries are continuously interacting in the fields of landscape, military, industrial and civil architecture, town planning, cartography and infrastructure. These encounters proved to be sustainable and resilient.


The aims of this scientific seminar/workshop are: 1. review ongoing (multidisciplinary) research in both countries and 2. to formulate new themes for future collaborations and 3. to raise public awareness for the mutual built heritage. This fascinating part of Russian-Dutch history would be a solid foundation for future bilateral relations.

Conference Lectures

All the lectures have been recorded and can be watched back on this webpage. The videos can also be found on youtube for you to share with others. 

XVII-XVIII Centuries



XX Century



Conference program / Программа конференции


9.00-9.10 Ivan Nevzgodin

Introduction and Announcements

9.10 – 9.15  Janette Verrijzer, Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of The Netherlands in Moscow

Opening Speech

9.15 – 9.20  Irina Gridina, First Secretary, Press attaché of the Russian Embassy in the Netherlands

Opening Speech

XVI – XVIII centuries

9.20 – 9.40 Alexander Andreev

‘Dutch builders and artists in Saint Petersburg of the first half of the 18-th century according to the registers of Roman Catholic and Calvinist parishes’

9.45 – 10.00 Geert Medema

‘Training and working within the family business. Harman van Bolios and his family of builders’

10.05 – 10.20 Daan Lavies

‘Rostov: A Forgotten Dutch Fortress in the Russian City’

10.20-10.40 Discussion

10.40-11.00 Hank van Tilborg

‘The Unknown Dutch Garden of Peter The Great -  An Dutch  Arcadia on the River Yauza’

11.05-11.20 Roxana Rebrova

‘Eighteenth-century Dutch Tiles and Their Twentieth-century Reconstruction in the Winter Palace of Peter the Great (State Hermitage Museum)’

11.25-11.40 Maria Makogonova

‘Dutch prints and Russian stove tiles of the 18th century’

11.45-12.00 Elena Sakovskaya

‘Illustrations of the manuscript "Abrisy" by Willim de Gennin, 1735 in the context of European technical graphics of XVI — XVII centuries’

12.05-12.25 Discussion

12.25-12.50 Coffee break


XIX - XX Century

12.50-13.05 Anastasia Dolgova

‘Mansion of the Dutch Ambassador. At the origins of St. Petersburg Art Nouveau’

13.10-13.25 Herman van Bergeijk

‘Effigies of the Tsar and Lenin side by side’, 1931/1932, from F. Bordewijk to H. Th. Wijdeveld’

13.30-13.45 Ksenia Malich

‘Insurmountable barriers: to the question of experience exchange between Soviet and Dutch architects during 1920-1930s’.

13.50-14.05 Evgeniya Konysheva

‘Moscow Voyage of C. van Eesteren and S. Giedion in the Context of History of the IV Congress of the CIAM’.

14.05-14.25 Discussion

14.25-15.10  Lunch

15.10-15.25 Anke Blümm

‘Reports on Dutch and Russian Architecture in German Building Journals in the 1920/30s’

15.30-15.45 Nicholas Bueno de Mesquita

‘The Russian Volk and the reform of European culture. Architectural resonances in Theo van Doesburg, Bruno Taut and Adolf Behne’

16.10-16.25 Jan Molema

‘Johannes Bernardus van Loghem’ 

16.30-16.50 Discussion

16.50-17.20  Final discussion

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